Diana Fu was recently named a recipient of the 2019 Charles Till Book Award from the American Sociological Association. This honour marks the third major book award for Fu’s 2017 book, Mobilizing Without the Masses: Contention and Control in China (Cambridge University Press).

It has been a banner year for Fu, Associate Professor of Political Science and the Munk School’s Asian Institute. Fu hosted a multipart documentary series for TVO called China: Here and Now, which looks at the cultural, economic, and political implications of China’s growing global influence. She was also recently selected as one of twenty China specialists — the only Canadian scholar selected — for the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations’ Public Intellectuals Program.

In addition to the Charles Tilly Book Award, Mobilizing Without the Masses won the 2019 Best Book award from the International Political Sociology section (IPS) of the International Studies Association and Fu’s 2017 article “Fragmented Control,” for Governance, won the 2019 Distinguished Scholarly Article Award from the American Sociological Association’s Labour Movements section.

Congratulations to Diana Fu on all of her accomplishments!

September 26, 2019