Featuring contributions from Asian Institute alumni and faculty, Otherwise is a new e-magazine produced by and for BIPOC women and allies in the Department of Political Science.

Yuijia Shi, a former student researcher with the Asian Institute’s Richard Charles Lee Insights through Asia Challenge (ITAC) program and a current Otherwise editorial board member, describes how the publication seeks to create “safe and nurturing public space for BIPOC women scholars and allies to express ourselves, and also consolidate and transform our unique experiences into transferable knowledge products.”

Otherwise receives faculty support from Professor Diana Fu, Director of the East Asian Seminar Series at the Asian Institute, and the inaugural issue includes an article authored by Irene Poetranto, a graduate of the Asian Institute’s Collaborative Master’s program and a senior researcher with the Munk School’s Citizen Lab.

Read the magazine here and consider contributing to the upcoming summer 2022 issue.