Students in CAS400Y and ANT447H travelled to Yangon, Burma, in Reading Week 2015 to study the country’s shift to democratization. After years harsh military rule and being closed to the outside world, Burma is now opening up to foreign diplomacy and tourism. The Canadian government has recently established an Embassy there. The students put together their own funding proposal, which was selected by the Faculty of Arts and Science for the International Course Module (ICM) program.

Led by Professor Joshua Barker, the students met with government officials, non-governmental organizations, local students and citizens to learn about the political and social changes taking place in this Southeast Asian nation.

Some students were interviewed by OMNI and Fairchild TV upon returning from the trip. Watch the interviews by clicking the links below.


Fairchild Part 1 | Fairchild Part 2

The trip was also featured in an article in The Varsity newspaper, and the students gave presentations on their research at the Asian Institute in March.