On February 16, 2018, seven students left Toronto to experience the International Course Module Program (ICM) course in Bandung, Indonesia. Having learned about different aspects of Indonesian society in CAS400: Interdisciplinary Research in Methods in Contemporary Asian Studies, taught by Dylan Clark, PhD, these students conducted field research for nine days under the supervision of Professor Jacques Bertrand and his graduate student Alexander Pelletier. The CAS students met local students and people from different religious communities. The ICM allows students to gain real-world experience while conducting academic field research. Students examined recent and longer-term initiatives to maintain and develop religious pluralism and tolerance in Indonesia. Students will be sharing their experiences with their peers and faculty in April 2018. Their experiential learning was captured through the eyes of many and has proudly been featured in news articles and social media:

Antara News:


Okezone News:




A YouTube video from the group’s visits:
