On May 23, the Orbis Canada 2015 Plane Pull for Sight landed at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, and the Asian Institute’s Contemporary Asian Studies Student Union (CASSU) executive exceeded its fundraising goal by raising over $2,000 to help Orbis Canada protect and restore vision worldwide. The team, led by AI Director Joshua Barker, tested their strength by pulling a FedEx 757 Cargo plane 15 feet. See more photos from the event on CASSU’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.752365828243635&type=3&l=e32291e382

Orbis is an international non-profit NGO dedicated to saving sight worldwide. Its programs focus on the prevention of blindness and the treatment of blinding eye diseases in developing countries. Orbis operates the Flying Eye Hospital (FEH), a fully equipped mobile teaching hospital. On the outside, the plane is like most other aircraft. Inside, it’s like no other – it hosts an ophthalmic hospital and teaching facility right on board. 80% of vision impairment can be avoided or cured, and Orbis brings vision to millions of people in need.

To support CASSU’s plane pull and Orbis, please donate at CASSU’s fundraising page:  https://my.orbis.org/fundraise/team?ftid=49259