The Contemporary Asian Studies Student Union (CASSU) and Synergy: The Journal of Contemporary Asian Studies were both honoured with awards at UTSU’s (University of Toronto Student Union) annual Unity Ball on February 25, 2016.

CASSU won the Event of the Year Award for its November 26, 2015, Myanmar Post-Election Conference: Prospects for Peace. The event was jointly organized by CASSU and the U of T student group Borderless, and featured a panel of experts discussing the impact of the election results on this country undergoing a major transition period. This is one of the most competitive and sought-after of UTSU’s awards.

Synergy won the Outstanding Upcoming Group Award, which honours a group that has shown inspirational dedication to launching a new organization that demonstrates a creative, enthusiastic and unique approach to promoting a new initiative to the University of Toronto campus.

Congratulations to all students involved!