ITAC & Exploring Global Taiwan are spelled out on a dark purple background with the text "*Funded* Student Research Opportunities" spelled out to the right. The letters "ITAC" and "Taiwan" are made up of images of past student research projects

Applications Due: February 18, 2022, 11:59PM EST 

ACCESS more details and learn how to apply TO ITAC Here and Exploring Global Taiwan here!

ITAC & Exploring Global Taiwan

This year, we are thrilled to launch new versions of our Richard Charles Lee Insights through Asia Challenge (ITAC) and Big Ideas Competition: Exploring Global Taiwan programs, and we invite students to work on a research project led by an Asian Institute faculty member.

Working together in small, focused teams, awarded students will be FUNDED to conduct research on a professor-led project over the summer semester, gaining direct research experience on a major scholarly project with an expert in the field. *Access the list of faculty ITAC projects here and Exploring Global Taiwan projects here!

In addition to a unique research experience, awardees form a dynamic peer group. Students will receive academic and professional development training specific to their faculty-led project. They will also be supported in developing all the tools necessary for a successful experience—from submitting an initial application to presenting research outcomes and beyond.

The programs will culminate with a public showcase of research outcomes in September 2022.

Want to learn more? Join us for a friendly information session on Thursday, February 10, 12-1pm. Register here for the Zoom link.

*The programs are open to undergraduate and graduate students across all three University of Toronto campuses. Students currently enrolled at the Asian Institute will be prioritized.

**The programs will allow for in-person (if the public health situations allows) and remote activities

***Awarded students will receive approximately $1,000-$2,000 CAD