On Thursday, March 3, 2016, Susan Cui, a 4th year student in the Contemporary Asian Studies program, presented her research findings from a recent trip to Vietnam at the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Undergraduate Research Forum. The trip was an International Course Module (ICM) funded by the Faculty of Arts and Science, which took nine students from CAS400Y: Critical Perspectives on Asian Modernity and CAS370H: Asian Cities to two cities in Vietnam over Reading Week to study urban infrastructures, led by Professor Hy Van Luong.

Susan’s research aimed to contrast Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang in terms of their respective levels of infrastructural development and spatial arrangements, in addition to assessing the sustainability of each city’s infrastructures in accordance with its future vision. From this research she aims to produce general policy recommendations for other urban areas in Vietnam looking to spur a model of sustainable urban spatial development.

The Undergraduate Research Forum took place at the Hart House Great Hall and aimed to showcase some of the most innovative undergraduate research projects undertaken within the Faculty of Arts & Science, including research conducted from 399 Research Opportunities Program, 398/399 Research Excursions, and International Course Modules.

Susan also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Synergy: The Journal of Contemporary Asian Studies.