Pakistan and Terrorism

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Friday, January 16th, 2009

Friday, January 16, 20094:00PM - 6:00PMSeminar Room 208N, Munk Centre For International Studies
1 Devonshire Place
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Pakistan has been at the forefront of the war against terrorism since 2001. Pakistan had to take a U turn in its own policy towards the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, under the presidency of Pervez Musharraf. It is evident, while turning the pages of history, that Pakistan’s military and its intelligence services, hands in hands, with the US propped up the phenomena of Afghan Mujaheedins in the late 70’s to grapple with the invading Soviets in Afghanistan. Pakistan received tremendous amounts of both economic and military aid from the leader of the Capitalist world in return. After the demise of the ex USSR, Soviets left but Mujeheedins did not leave Afghanistan. Their purpose kept on inflating to give birth to Talibans.

Falling a victim to its own policies, the nuclear Pakistan has now become a hub of terrorism and its Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) present a strategic threat to USA and the rest of the world. In the meantime, Pakistan has also turned to be the most favored target of suicide terrorist attacks and the war on terrorism has been called to become one of its own. In this backdrop Ms Bokhari will focus on the current strategic and security situation enveloping Pakistan and the major US interests in this region, Pakistan’s relations with its nuclear rival India in the aftermath of Mumbai terror bombings and the role of ISI and the military in shaping Pakistan’s foreign and future outlook.

Sarah Bokhari holds three Master’s degrees: a recent one in Political Science from U of T, specializing in nuclear disarmament in South Asia. As well as, an M.Phil, Defense and Strategic Studies from QAU Pakistan and an M.Sc. International Relations from the same institute, specializing in South Asian nuclear politics. Ms Bokhari has the honor of being a Track II Diplomat (1999-2001) from Pakistan to India and played a crucial role in citizen’s diplomacy to see the success of the present peace process between India and Pakistan. Ms Bokhari has extensive experience of working with the Pakistani foreign office’s policy research institutes in Pakistan: Islamabad Policy Research Institute (2001).

Ms Bokhari has lectured and attended various peace and disarmament schools and conferences: Harvard University Program on Asia and International Relations, Cambridge University (UK), Itlay (ISODARCO), San Diego University (USA), Dalhousie University, Halifax, University of Beijing, China, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi. Ms Bokhari has drafted four international publications in the areas of war and terrorism peace, disarmament and nuclear confidence building measures and has lectured at various international forums. She is currently working on her fifth one. She has also appeared as a strategic analyst on OMNI TV (Toronto), and PTV(Islamabad) She has been affiliated with Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (former) and has strong association with the Noble Peace Prize Pugwash Movements. She is a member of Canadian International Council.

27th Dec 2007 on CTV

29th November 2007 on CTV

20th September 2007 on CTV


Jeffrey Little
416 946-8996 416-946-8996


Sarah Bokhari
Academic Professor of War and Terrorism, Humber College

Main Sponsor

Centre for South Asian Studies


Asian Institute


Central Asian Society

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