Friday, October 24th, 2008 Different Ways of Industrial Upgrading in China, India, and Japan: Comparative Study in the Case of Motorcycle Industry

Friday, October 24, 200812:00PM - 2:00PMSeminar Room 108N, Munk Centre For International Studies
1 Devonshire Place


The ways of industrial upgrading are not necessarily the same among countries. Understanding the respective characteristics in industrial development orbits and underlying socio-economic factors that have created them will be of great use in order to further progress business cooperations among countries. By the lecture, the author will introduce his findings, observed after the intensive firm-based research in motorcycle industry, on the different ways in upgrading the skills in the manufacturing firms in China, India, and Japan. He will show that, whereas Indian indigenous manufactures are using “unified-style” interfirm relations, which is very near to Japan, to upgrade the whole production system, Chinese firms are using more “isolated-style” system of division of labor.

This inter-firm system is another side of the basic principle of internal skill upgrading within the firms. Chinese firms are more “result (profit) -oriented” and taking more standardized ways in raising skills of engineers and workers, whereas Indian counterparts are more “process-oriented” and taking more firm-specific ways in human resource development. The author suggests that such different principles explains the different firm strategies and performances in the sector among the three countries.


Jeffrey Little (
416 946-8996 416-946-8996


Moriki Ohara
Institute of Developing Economies

Main Sponsor

Asian Institute


Japan Foundation

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