Thursday, September 28th, 2017 Internationalization in Action: Transformative Student Research at the Asian Insitute

Thursday, September 28, 201710:00AM - 2:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs
1 Devonshire Place


Student Led Research Project Presentations from the Richard Charles Lee Insights through Asia Challenge, Global Taiwan Projects and CAS450H: Asian Pathways Research Practice

The Asian Institute at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs is one of North America’s leading centres of Asian research and teaching. AI’s approach to Asia balances regional specialization rooted in local knowledge with transnational, global, and interdisciplinary conversations that contextualize and transects local viewpoints on contemporary issues.
The Asian Institute prides itself on offering innovative teaching programs, as well as distinctive hands-on international learning experiences for students. In their future careers, our students will navigate a knowledge economy shaped by globalization that requires fluency across cultural, business, social, and political spheres. In order to develop this fluency, spending time on the ground in Asia is a crucial complement to classroom learning. The AI aims to offer as many of its students as possible the opportunity for an academically rooted, life-changing field research experience in Asia at least once during their studies. To that end, the AI has designed unique extracurricular programs that are on the vanguard of supporting the University’s wider goals of internationalization, redesigning undergraduate teaching, and increasing student mobility. Programs such as ITAC and Global Taiwan are uniquely on campus and are important vehicles in achieving those goals.

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