SEMINAR IN CANTONESE: Hong Kong’s Cantonese Opera - Virtuosity and Innovation

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Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Saturday, January 12, 20132:00PM - 4:00PMExternal Event, Innis Town Hall, Innis College, University of Toronto, 2 Sussex Avenue (south of Bloor at St. George)
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Hong Kong’s Cantonese Opera – Virtuosity and Innovation
A talk by opera master Dr. Lam Kar Sing

Dr. Lam Kar Sing will be discussing the achievements of his artistic career, highlighting the legacy he had bequeathed and the virtuosity and innovation of Hong Kong’s Cantonese opera. Video clips from several of his productions will be screened.

Dr. Lam Kar Sing is a preeminent figure in Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong. Born in 1933, he became a disciple of the maestro Sit Kok Sin in 1949 and, inspired by Sit’s artistic influence, he committed himself to a lifelong and tireless pursuit of excellence. Lam quickly became a versatile exponent of his mentor’s art and, developing as a maestro in his own right, he went on to establish the theory that a performing artist must seek to fulfill four criteria – “breadth, virtuosity, depth and innovation”. He also founded two Cantonese opera troupes, Hing Sun Sing and Chung Sun Sing, both of which won a wide following with their popular productions. Lam eventually retired from the stage in 1993, and since then he has dedicated himself to promoting this art form and to ensuring its continued survival and development. Dr. Lam has won many accolades and awards from the government, the education sector and the field of traditional Chinese theatre in recognition of his lifelong and his lasting contribution to Cantonese Opera. Dr. Lam Kar Sing will be discussing achievements with the Toronto audience his artistic career, highlighting the legacy he has bequeathed, and the virtuosity and innovation of Hong Kong’s Cantonese opera. Video clips from several of his productions will also be screened.


目的 ─

主講嘉賓 ─
粵劇表演藝術家林家聲博士生於1933年。1949年獲粵劇泰斗薛覺先納入門下,盡得薛氏真傳。他秉承薛覺先對藝術的嚴謹態度,對粵劇對藝術不斷追求、探索和改革,以「博、精、深、新」為表演原則。他先後領導「慶新聲劇團」及「頌新聲劇團」演出,深受戲迷歡迎。1993年退出職業舞台後,仍熱心推動粵劇,積極關注粵劇藝術的發展和承傳工作,把一生貢獻粵劇藝術。林博士在粵劇藝術上成就和貢獻,多次獲得政府、學界及戲曲界的肯定:1981年獲港英政府頒發「榮譽獎章」、2000年獲香港藝術發展局頒發「戲曲終身成就獎」、2005年獲香港特別行政區政府頒授「銅紫荊星章」、1999年及2010年獲香港演藝學院頒授榮譽院士及榮譽博士、2010年獲中國戲曲表演學會頒 [終身成就獎]、2011年獲香港特別行政區政府頒授「銀紫荊星章」。(部份資料來源:香港文化博物館網頁)

Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office (Toronto)


Aga Baranowska


Dr. Lam Kar Sing
Opera Master

Dr. Jing Jing Chang
Assistant Professor, Department of English and Film Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University


Starlight Chinese Opera Performing Arts Centre

Chinese Collective Arts Association

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