Remi Kanji, a graduating student in the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, has been selected as a recipient of the Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award for 2013. Congratulations Remi!

The Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards, given by the University of Toronto Alumni Association (UTAA) and the Division of University Advancement, recognize students who have made outstanding extra-curricular contributions to their college, faculty or school, or to the university as a whole, and who are committed to “making a difference.”

Remi has shown impressive leadership and initiative in extra-curricular activities throughout her undergraduate career. In 2009 she was selected as one of twelve student delegates to participate in the first Taiwan Field School. Since that time, she has founded Just Rights Radio, a popular show on the campus radio station CIUT; established the INDePth conference, an international platform for students in Asia and North America to discuss pressing issues in Asian development; managed the Global Ideas Institute, an innovative research program for high school students intent on addressing challenges in the global south; and co-founded the Social Innovation Research Group, based in Taiwan.

Remi serves as inspiration to her fellow students. She is tremendously entrepreneurial, and has made the most of her education and experiential learning opportunities at U of T. Please join us in congratulating Remi on this award.