The Richard Charles Lee Canada Hong-Kong Library will launch a new exhibition, Voyage – Struggles and Hope, on July 29th. Voyage is a collaborative project undertaken in partnership with the internationally renowned Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. The exhibition covers the struggles and hopes that Chinese-Canadians have walked through in the last century. Stories of 9 Chinese-Canadians are featured, and their journeys to become part of this multicultural society are revealed.

Dr. Jack Leong, Director of the Canada-Hong Kong Library, was impressed by the insights of two interns from Hong Kong who explored the lives of the 9 individuals featured in the exhibition. He sees the exhibit as an opportunity for the curators, the Canadians profiled, and the general public to revisit the Chinese Diaspora experience in Hong Kong and Canada.

The exhibition will run from July 29th through October 31st, 2010.