December 5 to 13, 2009

Asian Institute

University of Toronto

WHAT? The aim of the “field school” is to contemplate “Global Taiwan.” In Taiwan delegates will meet with and interview government officials, politicians, NGO and social movement leaders, cutting-edge scientific labs and technology parks, industry leaders, academics and university students. Delegates will participate in a half-day student conference at National Taiwan University, one of Asia’s most prominent research and teaching institutions. As such, students will be required to write a short paper (8 pages double spaced) in advance of the trip on any topic they wish related to Global Taiwan. They will need to revise these papers upon their return.

Taiwan ranks as one of the world’s largest and most dynamic economies and cosmopolitan cultural innovators. It is one of Asia’s most vibrant democracies. And yet Taiwan is at the center of an enduring conflict with China, and thus a key strategic area regarding the future of international security.

WHEN? Delegates will depart for Taiwan on Saturday December 5 and return on Sunday December 13, 2009. Arrangements for missed exams and/or classes will be made through the Office of the Faculty Registrar. There will be some pre-departure meetings/sessions which all participants must attend.

COST? The cost of the Taiwan field school (airfare, ground transportation, meals and hotel accommodation) will be covered by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administrative support provided by the University of Toronto’s Asian Institute and Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies. Aside from spending money, there will be no cost to the student delegate.

ELIGIBILITY? All third and fourth year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science, Engineering, and students in the A&S-Rotman undergraduate Commerce program are eligible to apply. Applicants will need to provide (i) a vita or resume (ii) a one-page statement of purpose and (iii) a copy of your unofficial transcript. These are to be emailed to asian.institute@utoronto.ca by Friday October 30, 4 pm. Successful applicants will be notified shortly thereafter. Five of the ten delegate spots will be reserved for Majors in Asia-Pacific Studies.

MORE INFORMATION? There will be an information session for interested applicants on Monday October 26, 4 pm, in Room 208 North, Munk Centre for International Studies. Questions can also be emailed to asian.institute@utoronto.ca.